Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I finally made it out the front gate! On Saturday we went to Ramstein with one of Terry's sergeants and a few of his buddies and it was SOOO nice to get out! We drove to Ramstein, about 20 minutes down the Autoban. Tons of people have asked me about the Autoban since I've been here, and I'm sure they think a lot like I did before I got here. I thought it was some super ginormous high-tech fancy freeway that you can fly down as fast as you want like a racetrack, but boy was I wrong! There are rules! Drive in the right lane, left lane is used for passing only. And here's what it looks like.
2 lanes, with a merging lane on the right from an on-ramp.
Pretty boring huh? Anyways, we went to the PX in Ramstein and HOLY MOLY, I was in HEAVEN! It's like a mall, it so HUGE! It seriously puts an PX I've ever been to to shame. There's a food court (we had fish & chips) and TONS of little stores but nothing is as wonderful as the PX. It's bigger than any SUPER Walmart I've ever been to! Now I have even more of a reason to save for a car and get my license here! I have to go back!
Completely UNHEALTHY, I know. But it was OH-SO delicious!
Anyway, Terry hollered at me for not taking pictures on the way there so I snapped a few on the way back. PLEASE excuse the horrible quality, I was shooting from the car, through a dirty window! Anyways, here's a little of Germany. Enjoy!
Another shot on the Autoban.
These things are everywhere... for electricity? I have not idea. But I like them, they're HUGE!
Along side the Autoban. All the little cities/villages here look the same to me. But I love them, too!
Back in our little town.
Saturday night Jess (Terry's buddy's girlfriend & Native German) and I went wandering the streets of Baumholder. It was exciting to actually see what this town had to offer. We stopped in at a little pub and I introduced her to a Long Island Iced Tea, and after we went to have a Kebab, and let me tell you, it was WAY more delicious fresh than when we have it delivered. YUM! She lives in Paderborn, about 5 hours from here. I can't wait until she visits again so we can wander some more. That and she teaches me German. I'll be a pro in no time! ;)

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