Let me just start by saying, this was the absolute
best Valentine's Day EVER! Valentine's has never been much of a big deal for Terry and I (although I always secretly wished it would) but this year it was full of
WONDERFUL surprises! I think I fell in love all over again. :)
I woke up this morning with the worst stuffy nose I've ever had due

to the wonderful cold I've had the last few days. I quietly nudged Terry to tell him I was going to take a hot shower (he tends to get worried when he wakes up and I'm not in bed). When I got out and walked into the room, there was a beautifully stuffed present waiting for me on the couch! He got me a super sweet card, a collage picture frame (I love them!) and a wok! A
REAL wok, and authentic Asian wok that has to be seasoned! I've wanted one for so long!
HOORAY!Terry also totally fulfilled one of my dreams I've had for a LONG time. I've always wanted a black lab. I think they are absolutely gorgeous, and I like the idea of having a big dog to hold and cuddle with (the chihuahua isn't up for it so much! haha). Anyways, after I opened my gift, Terry went to the garage and brought this back...
Aawwww! After much thought, his name is Toby.

After we got dressed we left to take Nathyn to Maurine's house for the day. However, on our way there they were doing the "Fill the Boot for Burns" drive at the corner of Sunrise Ave & Greenback Ln. Because of that they had firetrucks, ambulances and rescue helicopters in the Sunrise Mall parking lot to climb into and explore. We thought it'd be fun to take Nathyn so we did. Here's a few pictures. He got grouchy so we didn't stay long.

We finally got to Maurine's and set Nathyn up to have brunch with them of scrambled eggs and heart pancakes. Then Terry took me out to eat at Johnny Carinos Italian Restaraunt. YUM! It was very good, I'd definitely like to go there again. After dinner we picked up Nathyn, took Auntie Kia and Dammy their gifts, and then went to Sunrise Mall to see the movie "Bedtime Stories". It was a very cute movie and although Nathyn wasn't super interested, he behaved very well! That closed the night, we came home, put on our jammies and played with our new gifts, tried on clothes and took pictures. Here's a few!
It came in a box that said,
"You've got me hooked, line and sinker!"
I just screamed Terry!

Me & Toby: I'm SO in love!

The doggy's ears go up & down when he sings.
Nathyn loved it!

The boxers & t-shirt I got Terry!

Me and my Beebes! <3

I got these shirts at Walgreens and they have tons more of hilarious shirts for infants and toddlers.
The green one just had to have been made exclusively for Nathyn... it couldn't be more true!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
look for updating of the past week and a half previous to the post. i'll be doing all my updating over this three day weekend! :)
Cute but Oh my gosh you have some work and training to do. Labs are craaaaaaaaaaazy. See ya Tuesday.