Me and Terry got really bored Sunday afternoon and decided to take a drive up to Redding to see my family. I only get to see them
maybe once a year, normally less than that even. But we're grown now and it's up to us, so without calling first, we laoded up the car and headed up I-5 to Redding, Ca! And boy was the weather NASTY! It was raining the whole way and the already loooong trip seemed to take even looooonger! Lucky for us Nathyn slept the whole way so we didn't have to worry about him being bored.
We got there around 6pm and OH MAN, they were surprised! We sat around and talked for a little bit, then me and my aunt went into town to get stuff for spaghetti dinner. We got back, cooked, ate, watched a movie and then went to bed!
Nathyn singing with his Great-Grandpa Joseph Blasingame.

And with his Great-Grandma Linda Blasingame.

The next morning my Aunt woke me up with a hot cup of hot chocolate (I still have that cold!) and told me that breakfast was almost done. What a treat! We had good ol' country fried potatoes (spicy!) with scrambled eggs and sausage. LOTS of sausage! After that we all got ready, packed up the car and went to the snow. The whole way there Nathyn could see mountains in the distance and he was SO excited! All he talked about the whole way was SNOWMANS!
We got there, got stuck in a ditch, Terry got us out, and then we went to play!! Here's some pictures!
Mommy & Daddy being silly on the way there!

Daddy and Nathyn went right into making that snowman!

Ta-da! Nathyn's "baby snowman".

Lilly stayed in the car, but Toby was running and bouncing everywhere!
He even ate TONS of snow!

Nathyn said his snowman needed a Mommy. Aren't they cute?
Aunt Netty pushed him down the hill! :)

After our snow trip we went back to the family's and packed up to leave. My Grandma sent me home with TONS of new clothes, some really cute stuff! Nathyn got a bag of Disney movies, and we also got some home-made quilts that my great grandma made. That would be Nathyn's great-great grandma! WOW! It was a great trip. We'd really like to make it more often!
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