I was a little disappointed that I hadn't tried any German food yet. Well, I still haven't! But we did have a Turkish sandwich called a Döner kebab for dinner last night. It was very delicious and got delivered to our house. The whole time I was eating it I kept saying, "This tastes a lot like a gyro (something I haven't eaten in YEARS!)". Today I looked it up and Wikipedia defines a Döner kebab as:
"a Turkish dish made of lamb meat cooked on a vertical spit and sliced off to order. Two similar dishes are called shawarma in Arabic and gyros in Greek, although ingredients and sauces differ."
Inside was the lamb meat, lettuce, shredded carrots, purple cabbage, pepperoncinis, thinly sliced onions, tomatoes, a creamy white sauce and some sort of spice. The bread (described as a thick pita) was definitely fresh baked and very delicious!

There ya go! If you ever go to Germany (or Turkey) be sure to get a kebab. However, apparently here it's pronounced KAY-BOB, or at least that's what I was told.
ummmm Im pissed that this is the first update google reader has sent me. I didnt know you updated until you commented on Landons shoes. Your apartment looks cool you should give a picture tour. Can I send Nathyn a valentines card. I need your address