Woke up this morning with an super cute note from my husband that he left before leaving for work. Normally I wake up with him in the mornings and make breakfast, but for some reason I didn't wake up until he was kissing me goodbye. The note was a nice little surprise when I woke up later in the morning.

Ok moving on. I already showed you the cool windows & the German potatoes. Since then I've been compiling some pictures of other things that are "different" from back home to share with you (whomever you may be...)! Since I showed you food before, I'll start with the food now.
I know there's nothing spectacular about Hellman's mayonnaise considering they sell it on the East Coast in the states, but it's different from California so I'm sharing it. And Edy's ice cream... I'd never even heard of it. Obviously it's Breyer's, I just thought it was odd.

We can not buy a gallon of milk in the commissary on base. Only these half gallons. U.S. Forces Europe milk. Yes, it kinda makes me feel special. No, it does not taste different. My favorite question about the milk came from Nathyn, "Mom, is it birdie's milk and not cow's milk?" Gotta love the kid.

Just in case I burn the whole building down while cooking on our [stupid] electric range (I am NOT fond of electric ranges) we have a sprinkler system. Hooray for safety!

These knobs on the wall are to turn off the main water line. Kinda odd that they're just hanging out on the wall in the kitchen though. There's a set in the laundry room as well as in the bathroom, too.

This is our heater. There's one in the living room, Nathyn's room & in mine and Terry's room. They are stuck to the wall under the windows and the temperature is controlled by turning the knob through numbers 1-5.

On either side of the bed in our room we have this assortment of plugs and a light switch. There are 2 110 outlets and 2 220 outlets. I can't even explain how awesome it is to be able to turn the light on and off from laying in bed though! Ultra convenient!

These are our schnifty light switches! Push on, push off. And when it gets dark the little center light turns orange. Night light! Now if only I could get Nathyn to quit turning the lights on and off every day!

Front door. The knob below the handle is the lock. Turn it to lock it. It's weird. And when you unlock it from the outside, you literally have to turn your key in a complete circle about 4-5 times. Totally inconvenient with a handful of anything.

And that is all for now. I'm going to go back to enjoying this beautifully sunny day in Germany. It's the first day that the sun has made an appearance that lasted longer than 30 seconds and I'm loving it. The view out of my windows is much different in the sunshine!
Whenever I visit the US I always get confused by the light switches...lol