Or so I thought. I got a sitter yesterday for about 4 hours. It's only the 3rd time since I've been here that I've been without him. 1st two were for a doctors appointment and then the day I took my driving test. My reason for getting a sitter today? Just cuz... =)
Terry will be home very soon [hey army, thanks for the horrible scheduling job, total dislike] so I wanted some time alone to CLEAN and get the house nice and fresh for him. I definitely didn't get as much done as I had planned, but the few hours alone was worth it! I watched a movie [The Lovely Bones = love!] and folded like 8 loads of laundry and cleaned our room. Then I cleaned Nathyn's room and got it looking decent!
I super cleaned the bathroom, too. For some reason that's my favorite to clean. I clean it when it doesn't even appear to be dirty. Hooray for disinfecting! haha
Nathyn and I are excited to have Daddy home again! He knows he's coming so there won't be any big surprise this time. It's actually quite beneficial for me though, because now he's been extra "tareful" to keep the house clean for Daddy. =) He's such a good boy!
Mister "Is it time to go to school yet" has been working in a phonics book the last few days. He really likes it, so hopefully he takes this attitude with him to school. I've been helping him when he asks, and he likes doing the activities with me. I'm thinking that maybe I'll pull a page or two out and sit and do them with him everyday. I know he'd love it!
In the next few days Terry will be finishing up his loan paperwork to get a car! HOORAY! Finally! Now that I have my license I'm going to be DRILLING him with the book until we're confident he'll pass with flying colors. I'm actually thinking about making some flash cards.. hmmm. So yeah, I'm definitely hoping everything with that goes according to plan!
That is all for now. Gonna go shower, switch laundry, take the dogs potty, feed the rabbits and clean the kitchen. It's all never-ending, right? =)
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