Nathyn and I attended our first Soldier Show last night and we had a blast! It's a 90 minute concert [for FREE] full of singing and dancing and fun! Nathyn was being really shy at first, but eventually he got into and was clapping and semi-dancing. Terry has been working late, and will for another week and a half or so, so he wasn't able to come. But we had lots of sun anyways.
The U.S. Army Soldier Show is a highly integrated, high-energy ensemble production, offering a wide range of popular music and stage spectacle to Soldiers and Family on Army Garrisons world wide. It's a show for soldiers, by soldiers! Wanna read more about the 2010 US Army Soldier Show? Click here!Hopefully this is a show we'll be able to catch every year!
Colby would like you to call him next week as its his last week before summer break.