Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I had my surgery on Monday, two days after Terry got home! I know right, poor Honey finally comes home, just to take care of me! :) He says he doesn't mind though, and I'm glad I got to have him home for it!

Anyways, in case you missed it, I found out about 2 weeks ago that I had a large cyst on my right ovary. By large, I mean about as big as my whole uterus (7.8 cm in diameter). I had been having lots of cramping for over two years, but my regular doctor overlooked it, so I thought I should too. The pain was getting worse though, so I went to a differnt doctor (my OB/GYN when I was pregnant with Nathyn) and they were very helpful in finding out the problem and getting it fixed! They said that I had to have the cyst removed, and that most likely I'd lose my ovary too.

I got to the Sugery Center about noon, checked in, filled out some paper work and then went back to the pre-op room. I changed into my gown and then answered about 100 questions about my health and medical record. The anesthesiologist came and talked to me about putting my to sleep, and hooked me up with a "cocktail" so that I wouldn't be nauseas (I throw up from anesthesea, even local types like when I had my c-setion). It worked though!

I went back into the operating room and laid on the table and was OUT before I knew it! Next thing I remember was waking up in the post-op area. The nurses told me that everything went well, but that there were a few surprises while they were in there.

Surprise #1: The cyst was NOT on the right side, it was on the left. It just moved around behind my uterus so it looked like it was the right side.
Surprise #2: The cyst was NOT on my ovary! It was on my fallopian tube! This is good though because they were able to removed the cyst and SAVE my ovary! :)
Surprise #3: They definitely found what was causing the pain! The cyst moved around so much that it actually twisted my fallopian tube completely around several times and tied it into knots. They were able to fix that too though.

So the surgery turned out great! They even gave me like 12 pictures of my ovary, uterus, cyst and my fallopian tubes all ties in knots! I was gonna post them but decided against it for those of you who easily get the heeby geebies! If you want to see them, I can email them, just leave your email address. As for me, I'm doing fine. I'm pretty tender, my throat hurts from the breathing tube, and moving around hurts some, but I'm trying to get up and around as best I can. I'm also super groggy and sleepy, so I'm just trying to get my rest. I was told NO lifting, NO bending over, and NO activity that causes any pain until after my post-op appointment on Tuesday. I will update after I go to my appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I'm glad your surgery went well. I want to see the pictures lol.
