Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today Nathyn and I picked up my mom (his Dammy) with all the doggies and went to the dog park! I got Charlie (my Yellow Lab) a Chuckit and we had TONS of fun throwing the balls for him over and over and over and...
After that we took the dogs home and went SHOPPING! We got some things like hats and gloves for when we finally make it to Germany, and I loaded up on goodies to send to my Hubby.

We're still waiting on paperwork for us to move to Germany. Until then Nathyn and I are trying to keep busy, busy, busy and spend time with loved ones before the big move! We recently discovered the dog park and I'm so disappointed we hadn't before! If you have dogs, take them! It's tons of fun playing with your dog out in the open, and watching them play with LOTS of other dogs, too! Hmm... maybe I'll go again this weekend...?

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