Sunday, October 3, 2010


You know the feeling you get when you ride on an AWESOME roller coaster? Lots of speed, twisties and turnies and loop-da-loops? You hop off the ride and for just a few seconds your head is spinning, can't really walk straight, a bit of nausea creeps up, you can't catch your breath and sometimes you even see spots? It's the BEST feeling in the world, right?? Well, I've had that feeling for 11 days now. I've seen 4 doctors and no one knows what's wrong. They've checked all they can think to check (as far as they're telling me) and so far everything comes back perfectly fine.. blood, urine, blood pressure, blood sugars, even an EKG for good measure.

I came home the other day and decided to look up a few of the medications I've found, most specifically, the Labetalol for my blood pressure. On Sept 22nd the doctor increased my dosage from 100mg twice a day to 200mg twice a day. The next day I started feeling like crap. Here's what I found pertaining to side affects...
  • slow or uneven heartbeats;
  • feeling like you might pass out;
  • feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;
  • swelling or rapid weight gain; or
  • nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).
Less serious side effects may include:
  • tingly feeling in your scalp
  • dizziness, spinning sensation;
  • mild nausea, upset stomach;
  • tired feeling
My scalp isn't tingly, definitely haven't lost my appetite, and my poo isn't funny colors, and I'm NOT yellow. Other than that... I pretty much have all of these symptoms. I've whacked into a few walls, taken 2 falls, I can't drive and I'm constantly feeling like I'm bouncing all over the place when I'm sitting still and it's making my sick to my stomach! I've complained and complained and NOTHING. Yesterday I called Labor & Delivery and told them what I FEEL is wrong so I went in, went through a BUNCH of tests and after everything came back normal, the doctor decided to lower my Labetalol back to my original dose. I really hope this works. Suppose I'll know by Thursday.

Because of all the problems I've been having,and the fact that I just started insulin shots, my doctor wrote this letter for me.
Terry was due to leave Saturday the 2nd back to the field for a month but he turned this in to his command so that he can stay back to take care of us; make sure Nathyn gets to school, do the cooking since I've had trouble standing that long and help out with driving me to me appointments and to do the household shopping. He also wouldn't get any cell phone reception where he's going, so there would be the constant worry between us the whole time.

Terry left Saturday the 2nd at 0630. I was pissed. He was pissed. I'm home with Nathyn, he's sick, I feel like I'm on drugs, and the house is a mess. Thankfully I call from him yesterday and he does in fact have reception where he is [enter sigh of relief here]. Hopefully I find the strength to make it through this month, but it's gonna be tough.

1 comment:

  1. Im on Labetalol too for my blood pressure. I am tired, get short of breath and have tingling in the scalp occassionally.....i never bothered to look up side effects though! Good to know.

    Im sorry your hubs had to go to the field. If you need any help, just holler...I'll do what I can!
