Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today you left. I didn't cry when I kissed you goodbye, although believe me, I really wanted to. You already know I cried all day, you walked in my work to take me to lunch and caught me in the middle of tears. It's only because I love you so much, and I can't imagine living day to day life without you. On our way home your Mom stopped at the store for creamer and sugar.. As Nathyn and I waited in the car he eagerly asked me "Where's mine Daddy?" I answered him the best way I knew how at that moment... "Daddy went to be a Super Hero." And it's true, to the two of us you are a Super Hero. Thank you, Babe. I'll miss you everyday and there won't be a minute that goes by that we don't think about you..

Nathyn laid down tonight and we went back and forth with the "Ni-night Bubba", "Ni-night Mommy". After he was done with me he said, "Ni-night Daddy, I Love You". We'll say goodnight to you every night. And always remember... You're my favorite. Goodnight baby.


1 comment:

  1. OMGshh..this letter made me crying like a baby now..
    Just know I love you and Nathyn and it'll be over by the time you know it..ANd then you'll be on to bigger and better things..
    Military life is hard, trust me I know..BUt its great for you guys.. And Terry is doing an amazing thing for you all..HE is a true Hero!!
    If you ever need to talk I'm here for you anytime..Love you!
