Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm SO glad you got to call me last night! I'm sorry I didn't answer when you called. Believe me, I've learned my lesson. I swear I'll never put my phone on vibrate again! Thank goodness you were able to call me back an hour later, even though I was panicking the whole time until you did. It was nice to hear your voice, and although I had just seen you earlier in the day, it felt like I hadn't spoke to you in ages!

Sorry I didn't call you at 3:30am like I had wanted. I feel really bad but I turned off the alarm and immediately fell back asleep :(. Don't worry, I kicked myself for it hard in the morning. I woke up super tired though thanks to your wonderful son! (You know he's yours when he is frustrating me!) He hasn't fallen asleep before 1am since you left. He is definitely a Daddy's boy! He wants Daddy to tuck him in, Daddy to turn off the lights, Daddy to get him juice... I think so far he's adjusting well though, we've got us a strong little boy!

I also wanted to let you know that I barf at the slightest thought of you! :) No, not anything bad, only because I guess it's hard to stomach the thought of not seeing you for so long! Geeze babe! You're not even here to "dutch oven" me yet you still make me sick to my stomach!!

Ok, enough joking... I love you Honey and always will! You're forever my favorite!


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